Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Polka Dot Day(s) (Testimony)


In order not to repeat myself in further writings in reference to fashion: colors, patterns,graphics are here,there and everywhere throughout the world and beyond that is made up of them. Cultural fusion and globalization has created greater affordable markets for the whole world to purchase items and benefit spiritually,physically,mentally and emotionally. There is globally a very long history of polka dot fashion and persons from all walks of life and cultures wear them. The dots represents countless of meanings depending  on interpretations such as dots are existence, infinity, holes, the Sun, Moon,the beginning of life and so forth. In Medieval Europe it is said that dots were associated with the plague and illness in view that sick persons had dots on their skin.Polka dots are all around and come in diverse colors and sizes -thus, here is a brief list where dots are found : cartoon characters, clowns, in kids’ and babies’ fashion and accessories,businessmen and businesswomen fashion, Polka Dance and songs suchas “Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini, Polka-dotted animals,insects,nature patterns,astronomy, polka dot party supplies, polka dot games,in vehicle wraps, countries’ flags with dots (circles), architecture, words with dots or polka dots in them, stores,shops and so on with name polka dot, furniture, home decor,sculptures,art,art therapy, 3D, in ancient history persons culturally painted themselves in dots and in several African male initiation rites they painted dots on their skin. 

Dots are used in Braille alphabet and are placed in locations for the disabled to know directions -similarly, tactile paving have usually raised dots to assist the disabled when crossing the streets.

In East Austin Texas colored dots were painted on the intersections to help relax traffic,visibility and for a joyously pleasing ambient. In Math dots are used in scatterplots to show value, in solving math patterns,number sequences, as part of the UN Global Sustainable Goals the source of the World Health Organization uses dots to “represent  air quality across the globe.” 

Apple and Microsoft have many dot games for adults or children available that help develop reasoning skills and other abilities.Apple’s Concentric Polka Dots generator in Motion shows repeating patterns. Both Microsoft and Apple have polka dot wallpapers design for products, iPhone has a black dot called A LiDar  Scanner and other little colored dots (generally orange,yellow,green,blue) for diverse functions to be aware of.Various articles mentioned dots in the sky or aliens but it was Starlink 

satellites sent by SpaceX (starlink dots). 

Therefore, dots achieve a kind of unity even though there might be varied misunderstandings as to their meanings. Records of peace can be encountered

in time because of dots and the most important thing is that everyone gets the

opportunity to discuss dots and how dots are finding solutions in Earth and yonder.

As populations speak about dots the truth circulates that dots are a piece of life’s

puzzles and reality. 

By Cleopatra Fitzgerald

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