I remember when I was at schools and in some schools the kids would
bully with senseless stereotypes and name-calling such as:
"Carrie, Damien,skinny,fat,slut,virgin,lesbian,gay,saint,robot,dumb,
and others" and when I went to the dean, director(s) they said it was
nonsense of jealous kids and they reprimanded them and called them
to the office. Even a girl who was interrupting class was taken out of
school for bullying.
I helped teachers at the cafeteria by walking in cafeteria and making
sure the students were safe and organized. In another school I
saved the whole school when children were trying to make a
fire with matches in a room and closed the door. I ran and told the
secretary how dangerous it can be and the secretary and I ran
cautiously towards them -she tip-toed and caught them and scolded
them. Likewise, on 911 my father was on site to ensure safety of
civilians & more.
At schools I wore daily clippings adhered to my clothing of
motivational sayings as part of my religious mission to
help people cope with all aspects of life conditions and I saw
so much cultural discrimination, harassment going around that
I also used diverse outfits from countries from
Africa,Europe,Asia,Latin America, Middle East,etc.
Persons in stores and on the street asked me if I was German,
Jewish,Irish,French, and many more countries which I replied
"I come from a wide cultural family and ancestry spanning from
every continent. We are all mixed!"
I received the Martin Luther King Jr. Award for helping races cope
with one another. The teachers and directors said I was so mature
for my age that they would kindly permit me to stay at the school
offices, help with office work, speak to parents, make speeches and
so forth.
The psychiatrist and psychologist found 100% credibility when they
tested me of what I had done or passed through. They knew how bad
people come with lies, witch-hunting, gas-lighting, suppression of
women, gender bias and more. They knew that when they were
uttering "McCarthyism"it was a falsehood to cover up their crimes.
They told me to continue my studies and career in the performing arts,
religion, politics. The prescription by the doctor due to
not risking or putting in danger and safety my mother and I health was
not to use t-shirts,shorts,hoodies,etc but our
choice of clothing, colors,designs,makeup,boots,accesories,etc
whether it be cultural, traditionally, hereditary status.
School letters made me exempt from: participating in gym for health
prevention since the broken systems were making me ill purposely, not
using stairs, and other necessary accommodations. I went to the doctor
and he said I had a healthy BMI for my normal height, age and weight.
Proper clothing of my choices prevented
me from staying ill at home and putting at risk my overall health.
While in school I was referred to as a "student teacher" and was
respectfully dressed and persons would greet me in the hallways
respectfully and call me miss and in public others would address
me as Madam and lady.
The psychiatrist didn't believe their lies, broken systems, framework,
she believed in my mission of doing good for humanity.
Online clothing marketplaces are discounted for all types of
persons wear all types of styles. However, while purchasing
clothing, wigs,accesories,etc products might vary from actual product
featured because of "color variations, lighting, computer or phone
screen monitor, the diverse personal perspectives of naming colors,
etc." Even elderly retired church goers dress elegantly. Lifestyle
clothing vary from "Punk,Goth,emo,classic,country,vintage,
burlesque, cultural, religious and so forth."
Stay at home moms, influencers, persons that are unemployed or self-
employed since they are preventing health conditions,
countless are well dressed regardless of their job or status in their
communities. Even cancer victims and persons with other illnesses or
conditions dress nicely and wear makeup and wigs.
The pandemic rose the prices of food and crimes and made plenty
of businesses to close and persons called security to protect
their businesses, companies,restaurants,stores,nightclubs,
even kids to be escorted to school & on & on.
The pre-meditated broken systems of making us ill purposely caused a
gap in our food purchases to take life away and interrupt the family
proper conduct with framing through internet eavesdropping.
I am a law-abiding person with a clean record.
I am a gun owner and the agents we hired ranged from active NYPD,
retired NYPD, undercover detectives, former military, Sergeants, and
so forth. My mother and I do not use public transportation due to
health and safety.
Despite stereotypes I do not have any disabilities nor mental problems.
I believe in our American freedoms and values.
I was born at birth a female and still am. I am a grown woman both
physically, emotionally and mentally. I advocate for human, animal,
cosmic worlds' causes and among these others. Cultural norms vary
such as what is considered illegal, offensive, bizarre in other countries,
regions is normal for others. Example: polygamy, polyandry,
child marriage, adultery, having multitudes of children because
not using contraceptives, machismo, women and human rights,
There exists competition to excel such as Guinness World
Records, superhumans,Miss World,Miss USA, bodybuilding
competition for both men and women, academic and sports
competition, and many more. I am grateful that because of
good professors and teachers I could also excel with honors
and I was a fast, responsible and efficient student.
My family background varies and we are not poor and never
have gone bankrupt. My great grandfather was wealthy
since he was a land owner with a lot of businesses, he dressed
well and distributed his land to his children, grandchildren
and our family.
An attorney told me that if something is not directly written or
notified in writing -then, rumors of a made-up case are void.
It is spreading false information, libel, slander,
My mother and I cannot participate in any supposed programs,
services, camping that would put at risk our safety and health.
There will not be false medical psychiatric misdiagnosis
with the intention to injure, disable, put at risk, extract organs
dna,& so on from a person illegally. All these years my family,
ancestors, and I have participated in performing arts
- art and color, music therapy have existed from the earliest
beginning of humanity. Online freedom is the freedom to post
and share online without concern of retribution when no crimes
were committed. I post in tandem for collaboration but that does
not mean that I can never share links that have certain colors
on them such as UN Global Goals or share my own links
or public relations. All these years my family have lived
in peace and we are not a threat to no one.
Associating an innocent person or persons with
a false crime is false accusations. We cannot wear
only "black & white" since it endangers our health and well-
being while in nature all colors are visible. There are no fashion
police in America.
Human rights organizations, Citizens Commission on Human
Rights CCHR, criminal, international,civil rights attorneys,
investigative journalists, the Department of Health,
investigative watchdogs, anti-corruption organizations,
anti-defamation and cultural anti-discrimination organizations
our private medical forensic and much more will be involved
in the investigation of these matters.
Hate crime is a crime and resistance is a human right when
resisting injustices of the oppressors who want to
suppress American freedoms and values.
Taking the power of the office when it is personal is illegal and
targeting and harassing individuals is discrimination.
American government is defined as a Federal Democratic Republic. USA is renowned for its freedoms and advocacy towards human rights. Its Bill of Rights protects for instance First Amendment. Similarly, The Universal Human Rights Article 19, freedom of expression. "Federal laws prohibit discrimination based on a person's national origin, race, color, religion, disability, sex, and familial status."
Part of being a "Creative" of the creatives is artistic expression and branding. Performing arts can be as a hobby, career and ongoing project.
As stated in general media: Persons who want to falsely accuse citizens or others with false medical misdiagnosis and false accusations in order to put them into false imprisonment, camps, housing for them to work for them as forced laborers and those who cannot work are extracted of their organs, used for experiments such as for DNA, cloning, inventing hybrids, monsters, birthing novelties that go against ethical practice -all these are crimes against humanity and robbing people of their human dignity and bodily autonomy. Then those who want to restrict freedoms for example illegally putting a price for living for life itself. For posting in social media: "website links, retweeting, liking, sharing, posting GIFS, emojis, for pictures,shapes, colors,life itself -it is illogical and not based on reality and it is with malicious intentions for persons to profit out of human suffering. When in partnership sharing on social media acknowledges collaboration and being a public figure - even informed citizens are up to date on news. Social media is being sociable in a local, national and global community from all walks of life.
It is detrimental when foreign countries try to influence badly our kind of US government: Federal Democratic Republic with evil fabricated lies, that is why true patriots even those that are naturalized or resident with no maliciousness are protecting our country not traitors. US history built on freedoms,Preamble,The Declaration of Independence,Bill of Rights,The Constitution of the USA.
Will update more on this testimony...
Cleopatra Fitzgerald
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